Can't Keep A New Year's Resolution? You Need A New Year's Routine

Do You Hate New Year's Resolutions? 

We've all been there. It's New Year's Eve and everyone is asking you what your resolution is this year.

Mel with a coffee mug that says 'This Glass is Always Half-Full'

Everyone is making resolutions about losing weight or saving money so you jump on the bandwagon.

You get caught up in the new-year-new-you mentality and end up setting really ambitious goals.

Two weeks go by and you've already abandoned your resolution. You feel defeated. It sucks.

You Deserve Better Than New Year's Resolutions

It's no wonder you can't keep a resolution! No one can.

Reminder: You deserve better than broken New Year’s resolutions. You got this!

Did you know that 8 percent of people achieve their New Year’s goals, while around 80 percent fail to keep their New Year’s resolution? Those are terrible odds!

So, instead of giving you ideas for how to make better resolutions and manage your expectations, I am here to say: GIVE UP! Let's stop trying to force something that is clearly not working for us. Let's try something else!

If you follow @renaissancewomanhood you know that I save my resolutions for my birthday. That's when I'll tackle bad habits, make big plans, and set long term goals. It works!

For the New Year, I have an alternative approach. 

Stop Setting Yourself Up To Fail. Find Success With A New Year's Routine.

To avoid broken resolutions, I decided to create an annual routine and checklist. Something I could accomplish quickly before I lose my new-year-new-you momentum. It's kind of like spring cleaning. A fresh start!

Having a routine at New Year's allows you to make plans and set expectations the same way you would with a resolution. So, you won't feel left out when your friends share their plans. 

The difference is that a routine is a short once a year commitment. That makes it so much more achievable. You can take advantage of the New Year burst of momentum and give yourself a pat on the back when, half-way through January, everyone else is starting to abandon their big resolutions. You've set yourself up for success!

Don't forget! That New Year's routine is the gift that keeps on giving. By taking the time at the beginning of the year to get organized, you are making things so much easier for yourself for the rest of the year. So, it may not be an annual goal, but it has annual benefits! Work smart, not hard!

Are You Ready To Get Started?

I've created a FREE New Year's Checklist to help you build your routine. Try something new!

I can’t wait to see your progress!

Your big sister,



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